Because nothing says ‘I-love-you-and-will-continue-to-support-in-all-ways-possible-your-insane-horse-addiction-til-death-do-us-part’ like enabling her with a brand new horse….This comic was inspired by the fact that I will be going to my little sister Taylor’s wedding this weekend (Congratulations little sis! I love you 🙂 ). While her soon to be husband didn’t propose in quite this way, I couldn’t help but think this would be the perfect approach for all those guys out there with horse obsessed girlfriends, I mean honestly guys, she’s probably more than likely to lose any sort of jewelry somewhere in the hay room or arena footing anyway. You might as well spend the big bucks on something she’ll enjoy (of course I highly suggest you work with her trainer to find the perfect horse rather than consulting Craigslist or some equally sketchy dreamhorse ad, otherwise this could really backfire on you).