Because life with horses is never orderly.
So, confession time. I *may* be ever so slightly neurotic (I hear you — “NO!? You don’t say?”) 😂🤔
But only about incredibly obscure, useless things– like are all my comic pens laying in the appropriate color order or did I eat breakfast oatmeal with the correct spoon and bowl—nothing helpful that would cause me to have an impeccably clean house or fastidiously stay on top of things. 🤭
I suspect this aspect of my personality may in part explain my being a dressage rider. While I am not stylish enough to be triggered by marginally disparate color combos, I certainly know a few who are. 😂
*Note: The boots are, in fact, NOT Olympic Blue.
**Second Note: As someone with diagnosed anxiety disorders, my original use of OCD in this comic was a way to laugh at myself — which seems like a vitally important skill, particularly if you are me 🤔😅. That being said, as mental health awareness is hugely important and my goal with my comic is to bring humor not trigger people (I do enough of that in person with my sunny personality 😳😂), I swapped OCD for a more applicable term. ❤️
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