I think perhaps we can all agree that equestrians are a special breed. We are often hardworking, dedicated, tenacious, and perhaps even a little bit irrationally stubborn (I say that with nothing but love). 🫣😅
We also tend to have a somewhat unique way of prioritizing things. For instance, my barn aisle will likely *never* look like a hurricane went through it (EVEN if one has!), but my kitchen is a different story. 🫣 My horses have had more bodywork in the last week than I have in the last decade. And I am fairly certain that things like cleaning gutters and mopping floors are an exercise in futility, but cleaning stalls five times a day is just what civilized people do.
That being said, I have created this handy dandy list of equestrian priorities as a cheat sheet for the uninitiated. I am sure it will be appreciated.