Greetings from the Rain-forest! It’s been a balmy 90ish degrees recently in the Sunshine State.
The seasonal equestrians are starting to flee the state like rats from a sinking ship. 🫣😂 So weird. I mean really, who doesn’t love heatstroke and sporting the *very best* sort of humidity induced 80s Big Hair?
But I digress….this week’s comic should be relatable. 🤔😅
May I present to you, Manure Jenga! Where Tetris, Jenga, and stubbornness all meet.
Much like the adult grocery game where you are *physically* unable to bring in the groceries in more than one trip–so you must load up both arms with 11 bags each, balance things on your head, under your chin, and then try to lift one overly bag-laden arm to actually open the front door– this equestrian game shows equally questionable judgement.🤣