COVID-19 and Shedding….
A recipe for pure hell.
Because NOT touching your face isn’t hard enough when it isn’t covered in 47 bazillion tiny, tickling, scratching hairs. 😀 Bonus! Failure actually could be a life or death issue. Awesome.
Because life with horses is never orderly.
A recipe for pure hell.
Because NOT touching your face isn’t hard enough when it isn’t covered in 47 bazillion tiny, tickling, scratching hairs. 😀 Bonus! Failure actually could be a life or death issue. Awesome.
Posted: September 11, 2020 by Morgane Schmidt
And all other form of critters finally making their appearance after the death that is Winter.
Actually, this spring has been more snow rather than spiders; I am not sure which is worse but I am leaning towards snow…. In any event, I am sure once it warms up to where I can *actually* get some of the billion farm chores done, that I will be greeted by all manner of creepy crawly fauna. 😉
Updated: September 17, 2020 by Morgane Schmidt
Or a freaking hurricane?
I think not. If there is one thing I have learned living on the west coast it’s that their definition of “breezy” is somewhat of an understatement. If it blew this hard in Florida we would call is a hurricane and LEAVE (as opposed to calling it TUESDAY and riding in it. 😉 ).
Tags: seasons | spring | wind of doom
Posted: September 11, 2020 by Morgane Schmidt
Sure to be total shenanigans.
If you survive it, you’re clearly more hardcore than I. 😉 I have the distinct belief that if show fees were refundable we’d likely never see this sort of nonsense (ok, or at least that’s what I’d like to hope). 😀
Posted: September 10, 2020 by Morgane Schmidt
On every level.
On horses and between seasons. While I am incredibly relieved that spring is on the way and there’s an end in sight to the cold misery that is winter, I could seriously do without the mud, snud, and hair. I’m also hating these last minute storms winter is tossing at me in one final attempt at ruining my life. 😉 Ah well, soon enough it will be over 100. 😀
Posted: September 10, 2020 by Morgane Schmidt
Someone wake me up from this nightmare.
That is not ok. To be honest, I am never on board with snow, regardless of the time of year. It’s just a NOPE. But there are some who seem able to tolerate its awfulness providing it occurs over the holidays. I’ve yet to meet many who love it once they’ve been given a taste of spring and the ability to dress in under 45 layers without freezing to death.
Posted: September 10, 2020 by Morgane Schmidt
Not that I love being hairy, mind you.
Not that I am complaining, of course! 😉 I’ll take being covered in hair and mud over snow, ice, and homicidal horses any day! Here’s to hoping that summer gets its rear in gear and makes an appearance soon.
Tags: hair in the air | seasons | spring
Posted: September 9, 2020 by Morgane Schmidt
…is that it sometimes still snows. Oh, and there are bugs again. Those suck.
Please tell me I’m not alone in thinking that most fly-spray is an expensive joke? I’m especially amused by the claim that it lasts multiple days. Seriously? In what world was that tested in?
Posted: September 7, 2020 by Morgane Schmidt
…and she’s a GIANT tease!
Well, she pops in for a moment or two anyhow. I must say I find it thoroughly depressing to be frolicking in the 70 degree sunshine one day only to wake up to yet another Snowmageddon the following. Ugh. I totally understand why people give up on seasons and move to Florida.
Posted: September 7, 2020 by Morgane Schmidt
I can only hope someone vanquished Winter for good.
…and it’s bringing its friends Hair and Mud too! 😀
Posted: September 6, 2020 by Morgane Schmidt
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