Because life with horses is never orderly.

The Idea of Order

Tag: #Thanksgiving

Giving Thanks…

Happy Thanksgiving Eve! Who is ready to pick petty arguments with family you haven’t seen all year while drinking heavily and eating way too much?? 🤣

“It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a little emotional scarring.” 🤔😂🦃


In all seriousness, I know that I am continually humbled by the number of wonderful people in my life who consistently show up. And, despite the world being a literal dumpster fire at times, these people remind me of the good in the world, and I am eternally thankful for them. Remember, love is really never wasted and the smallest acts can change trajectories.

I hope you all spend the day with those you love, two legged and four. ❤️

Giving Thanks…

Happy *Early* Thanksgiving!

In taking a moment to reflect, it occurs to me that some quadrupeds seem to be more thankful thank others. 🤔😅

In fact, I would wager some don’t even have the word ‘thankful’ in their vocabulary (looking at you, dragon).

You would think we’d get a little more respect and adoration for providing free room and board, maid service, spa services, healthcare, dental, and a retirement plan. 🤣

Kidding aside, I hope you all have a lovely holiday spent with family two-legged and four.🧡

Equestrian Enablers

Happy Wednesday!
We are just one day away from a tryptophan overdose and trying to make civil conversation over the dinner table with family members.*
Of all the many, MANY things I am thankful for, at the top of the list are my fabulous equestrian friends who not only support me, but enable all my crazy.
Cheers to our tribe of crazy!
*Also, I am mostly kidding– I thoroughly love time with my family.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with yours–two and four-legged.

A Time for Thanks…

Ah, what indeed to say about the Apocalypse that is 2020? How does one even begin to digest a year that dawns with a pandemic boasting completely unknown parameters, global lock downs, people hording toilet paper, the emergence of Murder Hornets, world wide natural disasters, the greatest political upheavals in recent memory, and a myriad assortment of other equally insane, borderline unbelievable shenanigans? When ‘The Tiger King’ is the most normal thing about a given year, well…yeah. There are certainly chapters in life that one would prefer not to have to write, and yet I do wholeheartedly believe that one tends to come through them on the other side a better person and in a better place. Given that, this glorious hot mess of a year has made me take a moment to consider and be even more thankful for the supportive people in my life, my spoiled rotten beasts of both equine and canine persuasion, the ability to find humor in the most unlikely of places, and the fact that though it is imperfect, we have this moment here in time.
Cheers to you all, and here’s to a less ‘exciting’ 2021.