Because life with horses is never orderly.

The Idea of Order

Tag: woody


…say many amusing and horrifying things.
I guess if your kid is riding dressage that in itself is a fairly big clue they’re at least a little type A, but some are clearly more so than others. The above is an actual response from a twelve-year-old on a small 13.3 hand pony. This was, of course, complete with a loud sigh and legit eye roll. She was so dead serious it was hard not to laugh. 😉

Air Fern?

Not as awesome as you’d think.
Due to the utterly depressing amounts of snow and rain, along with the equally daunting amount of homework and test prep, this week’s comic is a retread from back in 2011. I’m sure the logic here is suspect at best (much like telling yourself that those white breeches must have shrunk in the closet…) but it’s at least an attempt to be positive. 😉

No Regrets…

Except that last bite of course. It was all good until that one.
Sadly I can totally commiserate with this, particularly with the holidays approaching. :/ I suppose this is the sort of thing that occurs when you function under the premise that all your present indiscretions are merely a problem for future you.

It Never Fails…

…to cost me tons of time and money.
Given how often this happens, I’m fairly certain my horses fail to appreciate how much time and money I invest in their potential safety and comfort. If they did appreciate it, they surely wouldn’t destroy every article of horsey apparel I get them and hide it among the puddles and shrubbery in the pasture. :/ Or at least I would hope not.